Meshkani's Article in Health and Fitness

903 What Causes Gum Disease? Learn Some Preventive Measures!
Gum disease is caused by the build-up of plaque between your gums and teeth. Without proper cleaning, the bacteria inside the mouth begin to grow which causes inflammation of gums.
Posted on Jul-29-2018

827 What are the Common Dental Emergencies? Learn Some Facts!
“The Traveller Sees What He Sees; The Tourist Sees What He Has Come To See”! Any sort of disturbance to the mouth which may cause bleeding and cuts to the gum tissues, and may necessitate immediate medical care, is called as dental emergency!
Posted on Jul-14-2018

1231 What’s The Importance Of Keeping Your Teeth And Gums Healthy?
“A Good Laugh and a Long Sleep are the Best Cures in the Doctor’s Book”! Maintaining perfect oral hygiene is not at all a complicated process. It not only helps preserve your smile but also protects your overall general health.
Posted on Jun-08-2018

13080 Know The Wonders Of Preventive Dentistry!
“Treatment without Prevention is simply unsustainable.” Prevention plays a major role in maintaining your overall health! It also helps to eliminate the major issues before taking shape.
Posted on Apr-26-2018

12601 Worrying About Stained Teeth? Porcelain Veneers Will Help You Take Home Your Beautiful Smile
Everyone wishes a natural and beautiful smile, which not only boosts your self-confidence but also makes you approachable. But not all are lucky to have it, for such cases, porcelain veneers come in to play.
Posted on Mar-28-2018

687 How Smoking Affects Your Oral Health
Just imagine having a tube of toothpaste and squeezing the following chemicals out: ammonia, lead, tar, butane, carbon monoxide and nicotine.
Posted on Mar-20-2018

696 Dental Implants Procedure and Aftercare Tips
A dental implant is the artificial tooth root that is placed inside your jawbone, and it acts similar to your natural tooth root. Later a permanent crown is placed over the implant, and it acts similar to your natural tooth.
Posted on Feb-12-2018

773 Dental tips to improve your oral health by Dentist in Balmain
Taking care of your mouth not just improves your oral health but also your general health. So make time to care for your teeth and be healthy. To maintain your oral and overall health properly, do regular check-up and follow the tips which are mentioned by the dentist in Balmain below in this blog.
Posted on Jan-22-2018

960 Things to Look For When Choosing the Right Dentist in Rozelle
Don’t just pick the dentist, take more time, do a proper research and choose the one who meets your needs and understand the values of your smile and investments.
Posted on Dec-22-2017

812 Things You Should Do To Prevent Dentures from Damage
Have you fixed denture recently? You may not know how to maintain it properly or prevent it from damage. Denture can easily get damaged if you fail to maintain it appropriately.
Posted on Nov-02-2017

758 Quickly Fix Your Minor Dental Issues Using Dental Bonding
With more number of dental patients wanting a more conservative treatment to correct simple flaws with their teeth, dental bonding is gaining popularity these days.
Posted on Oct-15-2017

1145 What Are The General Health Issues Detected By Your Dentist?
If you want to preserve the health of your gums and teeth, you need to pay regular visits to the dental clinic. The dentist can detect the earlier symptoms of more serious oral problems like cavities, tooth decay and gum disease.
Posted on Sep-27-2017

1023 5 Essential Tips to Keep your Gums Healthy
Healthy gums are vital for a great smile, and optimum oral health. Spending a little time in a day, brushing and flossing your teeth, and caring for your gums can contribute to preventing dental problems in the future.
Posted on Aug-25-2017